Still in quarantine! So, I'm hiking in a forgotten forest in Kirkkonummi. And found two caves that aren't listed in any of the cave books. One roof cave, visited by climbers for the overhang. But the other one I liked a lot. It is small, but much cave-like, dark, and with a very tight entrance :-)
The coordinates for the roof cave and bouldering place are N 60.19197 E 24.52438.
The coordinates for the small dark cave are N 60.19131 E 24.52927. This cave is maybe 1.5-2m long and 0.7m wide, tall enough to stand almost straight. There's a very tight entrance (at least for me), so you have to squeeze yourself in and out.
I also found a triangle hole (coordinates N 60.18924 E 24.52545) and two cliffs with a bit of overhang/roof (coordinates N 60.18994 E 24.52469 and N 60.19057 E 24.52497) but those were not big enough to classify as caves.


Path to the caves:

This article has also been published at TGR. See more caving stories at planetcaver.net, and all Planetskier and Planetcaver stories at Blogspot and TGR! Photos and text (c) 2020 by Jari Arkko. All rights reserved.
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