We have a new Finnish cave squeezing record! At the "little xmas party" of the caving association, Jukka Palm and Mike Kushy both pushed through the squeeze box at just 166 millimeters. And I can't even get my fat head fit inside that distance, let alone other body parts! :-)
Here's what the squeezing looks like:
The proud winners, and a signed and certified record of their achievement:
Armas, the official doping sniffer for the contestants:
This article has also been published at Teton Gravity Research (TGR). Tämä artikkeli löytyy myös suomeksi Relaasta. See more caving stories at planetcaver.net, and see other articles by the planetskier at Blogspot and TGR! Photos and text (c) 2019 by Jari Arkko. All rights reserved.