Saturday, May 18, 2024

Grani May Skiing .. but the snow has been STOLEN!

Managed to tick off May skiing on my local hill this evening, was quite nice in the sunshine. Even if they took most of the snow to a massive pile and covered it. Damn snow hoarders! Although I suppose it will help the season's start next winter... in any case, June will be a challenge.

There's an article about the stored snow in Helsingin Sanomat. There's a Finnish company, Snow Secure, that is specialized on snow storage solutions. First year's storage is 50-100K "introductory price" :-)


Here's the actual left snow, outside the pile:

Video of the skiing:

Read the full Planetskier series at, or all blog articles from BlogspotTGR. Photos, videos, and text (c) 2024 by Jari Arkko. All rights reserved.

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