While in Rovaniemi, of course I needed to stop at Ounasvaara, the local and legendary ski hill. They were also equally obviously no longer open, but obviously I hiked up.
Nice. Soft snow, beautiful views over the lakes and rivers in front... not bad at all!
Ounasvaara consists of two separate ski areas, you can transfer to the other on skis, but they are apart from each other, have different parking lots, etc. Not exactly knowing where to go, I stopped at the first one, Ounashissit which has a vertical difference of 110 m. The other part, Tottohissit has a FIS-certified race run and 140 m vertical.
Either way, a nice ski area, definitely worth a day if you're in the neighbourhood. And what a wonderful thing to have right in the city, just a few kms from Rovaniemi city center.
Photos (c) 2018 by Jari Arkko. All rights reserved.
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