Saturday, June 15, 2024

Hermitage in a dragon cave: Zmajeva Pećina


Zmajeva Pećina, "Dragon's Cave" is a small hermitage on the south shores of the Brač island in Croatia. The cave is only 20 meters long, but is a fascinating visit, both because is such as fascinating view, high cave on a high hill, and also because my guide Zoran knows so much about the history of the place. This is a cave that houses a monastery. Or housed, it is in ruins. Very interesting!

More information can best be acquired by joining Zoran's guided tours, or from, Wikipedia, Brač  info, and this article.

I also recorded a 3D scan of the cave (but not to the top of the cave, my iPhone sensor did not carry that far). Below you can see a screenshot of the model and a map. You can also access the model on your browser, rotate it around, etc. here. And the map is available in PDF format here.

See also the article about Murvica Beach.

Read more urban exploration stories from, and other underground stories from Read the full Planetskier series at, or all blog articles from Blogspot or TGR. Photos, videos, and text (c) 2021 by Jari Arkko. All rights reserved.

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