No car, no skilift, no problem! My car is broken, but fortunately, since I live in the world's happiest town, I can walk to the ski hill, ski down to the bus stop, take the public transport to the public swimming pool, and lock my skis in the bike rack. And return by train.
Cost of the day's adventures: €4.20 for the transport and €5.50 for the swim and sauna. Not expensive, and I think I got more exercise than going by car to a commercial ski area and just going up and down.
The ski hill I was at the GrIFK Alpine's community ski hill, Granibacken. And the swimming pool I visited was Keski-Espoon Uimahalli.
Photos and text (c) 2018 by Jari Arkko. All rights reserved. This article has also appeared at TGR. Tämä artikkeli löytyy myös suomeksi Relaasta. And all my skiing articles can be found at planetskier.net, all sauna articles at saunablogger.cool, and all swimming articles at planetswimmer.com.
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