Lazy Saturday, and all nearby caves have already been visited! Janne and I decided to visit a rock painting in the lake shores of the Hvitträsk lake in Kirkkonummi.
Finnish rock and cave paintings can be easily found from the book Suomen Kalliomaalaukset -- Bongarin Käsikirja, something I bought on a recommendation from Lauri. I can warmly recommend the book, though reading it requires knowledge of the Finnish language :-) One of the best rock paintings in Finland resides also in Kirkkonummi, but unfortunately access to the place has been blocked. But Hvitträsk is easy to reach. You can park you car at the Hvitträsk museum or on Rauhalantie street. The trail to the painting starts after the fenced-off yard. The GPS coordinates for the painting area N 60.185181, E 24.522139.
The train goes towards the lake and a high cliff. Ten meters before the cliff one has to move to the right, where you can find easier ground to go down a bit. Part of the trail is on natural steps! The painting is roughly halfway up on the cliff's midpoint. It resides on a ledge where you can walk fairly safely even in winter (assuming you are careful).
Polku kulkee kohti järveä ja korkeata kallionjyrkännettä. Kymmenen metriä ennen jyrkännettä pitää siirtyä oikealla, josta löytyy helpohkoa maastoa lasketua hieman alemmaksi. Itse asiassa osa polusta on luonnon muodostamilla portailla. Maalaus sijaitsee jyrkänteen puolessavälissä, hyllyllä jossa voi kulkea myös talvella turvallisesti, jos osaa olla riittävän varovainen.
On the way down there's also a small 2 meters by 2 meters cave, under a boulder.
The painting itself was suprisingly small, but as a place and view a visit here is wonderful!
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