Saturday, March 8, 2025

DFW's AA Flagship Lounge vs. Capital One Lounge. Which is better?

If you flying to or from the North America on Finnair, the changes are that sooner or later you'll have to fly through Dallas Forth Worth airport. This presents a major first world dilemma: should you use the American Airlines Flagship Lounge or the Capital One Lounge? Both boast to be the best. But what's the truth?

So I tried both. I've been to the AA Flagship Lounge before. It has food, it is large, it has services, a special dining part, showers, etc.

I was put on a waiting list for the Capital One, and once I got the text that I can go in, I had to enter in 10 minutes. It worked well. They have showers, food, even a yoga, relaxation, and cycling rooms (!).

But how did it work:

  • Food. Both have not so super tasty basic lounge food, but American has proper dining (which I have not tried, but typically is good), and Capital has only what I would classify as snacks.
  • Crowds. American has a ton of people but is massive. Easy to find seating. Capital was packed, had difficulty finding any free seat, even after waiting. 
  • Atmosphere. I liked to decor in Capital better, but American is also good.
  • Service. American was able to help me with my tickets. Not possible in Capital.
  • Extra services. Maybe a win for Capital, with Yoga and Cycling, even if I did not check them out this time.

Still, the crowds and finding a seat is a priority. The clear winner in my mind is the American Flagship lounge. I will use that the next time!

Capital One:

Flying out from Dallas:

For more flying stories, check out the website! And of course the Planetcaver, and Planetskier blogs for other stories in Blogspot and TGR! The photos and text (c) 2025 by Jari Arkko. All rights reserved. 

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